We've reimagined the way that the Audience Marketplace functions for our clients, prioritizing repeatability and simplicity. Here is a how the Audience part of the Upsiide experience has changed.
Building an Audience
You build an audience for a study based on two factors:
  • Demographic groups: demographic groups can include a single country and language combination. You can add multiple demographic groups to an Upsiide Audience.
  • Screening questions: think of screening questions as behavioral or attitudinal questions that further narrow your audience scope. You can add multiple screening questions to an Audience, and those screening questions can apply across all the demographic groups included in that Audience.
You can also be selective about which demographic groups the screener questions apply to. For instance, if you had 4 demographic groups included in your Audience you can have the screener apply to 2 of the demographic groups.
In order to build an audience, you add different demographic groups together and apply the screening questions to the Audience. You can choose to apply screening questions to the entire Audience, or a selection of demographic groups included in that Audience.
You can now add quotas to your own custom screening questions. This means you aren’t just quota-ing screening questions that come from our panel provider.
You can now interlock quotas more easily. This ensures that you are effectively matching your quotas to your target (e.g. census, buyer profiles).
Interlocking quotas now allow for ‘soft’ or less rigid quota options.
  • With ‘soft’ quotas you can ask our product to approximate quotas, allowing for a bit of flexibility in your quota thresholds, and thus ensuring a speedy response rate when that’s the priority.
  • Soft quotas also allow for savings on sample costs by maintaining incidence.
Audience Templates Library
An Audience Templates library that makes setting up the right audiences repeatable and easy across your team.
Adding templates can be used by any new user, and you can save them for future usage.
We've also added a library for screening questions, which makes life easier for repeat study needs.
Simplified Audience Pricing
We've consolidated our pricing options into 3 tiers based on country. This will allow for faster completion times and subsequent decision-making.